Hi, all!

i think this is the coolest stupid fossil trick yet...

Those who know a bit about requirejs (http://requirejs.org/) might find it
interesting to know that we can now use a similar mechanism to load
arbitrary resources from a fossil database. A short demo:

// Import our requirejs workalike:
const R = s2.import('toys/require.s2');

// Some shared state for the various plugins we'll install...
const fslState = {
    f: Fossil.Context.new().openCheckout()

   require() plugin: wiki!PageName
R.configs.wiki = {
    isVirtual: true,
    load: function(name,opt){
        affirm F.db && F.db.repo;
        return F.loadManifest(F.db.selectValue(sql.applyFormat(name)));
        F: fslState.f,
        sql: <<<___
          SELECT x.rid FROM tag t, tagxref x
          WHERE x.tagid=t.tagid
          AND t.tagname='wiki-%1$q'
          ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1

   require() plugin: blob!SYMBOLIC_NAME|rid:RID
R.configs.blob = {
    isVirtual: true,
    load: function(sym,opt){
        return F.loadBlob(sym)
    }.importSymbols({F: fslState.f})

// Now use it like requirejs:
R(// Resources to load:
  // Callback to pass the resources to:
  function(page, thisScript, rid1){
      print(__FLC, typename page, typename thisScript, typename rid1);
      print("Wiki page", page.L,"is", page.W.lengthBytes(),"bytes long.");
      print("This script is",thisScript.lengthBytes(),"bytes long.");
      print("RID 1 is",rid1.length(),"bytes long.");

That all results in something like:

[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/libfossil/s2]$ ./s2sh require-demo.s2
require-demo.s2:43:12 object string buffer
Wiki page home is 8640 bytes long.
This script is 1225 bytes long.
RID 1 is 168 bytes long.

i expect to be making heavy use of this in the new/ongoing CGI layer.

Happy Hacking!

----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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