Thus said Steve Bennett on Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:55:51 +1000:

> Are you sure you just changed /home to 711?

Yes, I did ``chmod  711 /home'' (as root). That was it.  Then I tried to
configure and got the errors. I see you are on Linux. I'm on OpenBSD, so
perhaps things work a little differently (for whatever reason):

$ ls -ld /home
drwxr-xr-x  13 root  wheel  512 Jul 30  2013 /home/
$ sudo chmod 711 /home
$ ls -ld /home
drwx--x--x  13 root  wheel  512 Jul 30  2013 /home/
$ ./configure
No installed jimsh or tclsh, building local bootstrap jimsh0
Runtime Error: stdlib.tcl:87: Failed to get pwd
in procedure 'info nameofexecutable' called at file "./autosetup/test-tclsh", 
line 11
at file "stdlib.tcl", line 87
Runtime Error: stdlib.tcl:87: Failed to get pwd
in procedure 'info nameofexecutable' called at file "./autosetup/test-tclsh", 
line 11
at file "stdlib.tcl", line 87
No working C compiler found. Tried cc and gcc.
$ which tclsh
$ which cc

TAI64 timestamp: 4000000053e4e3ea

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