Petr Ferdus wrote:
> Thank you Joe for clarifications and your Unix-like system setup recipe.
> I'll try to absorb it and use it.
> Meanwhile it seem that my simple idea of  "fossil on windows with embedded
> tcl as a single exe"
> is not that easy as it seems. I have found notes from drh dated 2005 [1].
> Still I thing it would be 
> hugely useful as personal portable "fossil" with scripting included. 

At a bare minimum, two files would be needed on Windows: The Fossil EXE
and a suitable Tcl library.  Since the Tcl library would need to include an
embedded script library, it will most likely need to be a "TclKit DLL", e.g.
one of Roy Keene's daily builds:

In order to use one of these "TclKit DLLs", you would want to rename it to
"tcl8X.dll" where X is 4, 5, or 6.  Then, place it into the same directory
the Fossil EXE.

Joe Mistachkin

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