On 11 September 2014 01:06, Andy Bradford
<amb-sendok-1413003970.hefagogaedafkffga...@bradfords.org> wrote:
> Thus said David Mason on Thu, 11 Sep 2014 00:42:09 -0400:
>> : Daves-MacBook-Retina-784 ; cat .fossil-settings/allow-symlinks
>> yes
>> : Daves-MacBook-Retina-784 ; fs ci -m test
>> New_Version: 240dcb9a36ff5fde1c3bc1ae1e906dbb479b3698
> I could  be wrong, but  I don't  think the .fossil-settings  apply until
> *after* they have been committed.
> So, either explicitly set:
> fossil settings allow-symlinks yes
> Prior to adding any files/links to  your repository. Then add your files
> and make your commit. After that,  the versioned setting will apply (you
> can remove the setting).
> Or,  instead, commit  the .fossil-settings  directory before  adding any
> other files/links. Then add your files/links and commit them.

Yes, explicitly interactively setting fossil settings works...
committing .fossil-settings/allow-symlinks first doesn't.  This looks
like a bug to me... what is the point of version-able allow-symlinks?
In fact, it doesn't seem to override the interactive settings (even
though it says it is), as shown in the following transcript. I also
include my experiment script so you can try various versions. Note it
also warns about version-able setting *int* the unset command.


------- transcript -------
: Daves-MacBook-Retina-784 ; ./experiment
+ fossil version
This is fossil version 1.29 [3e5ebe2b90] 2014-06-12 17:25:56 UTC
+ mkdir foo-dir
+ touch foo-dir/foo-file
+ ln -s foo-dir foo-link
+ mkdir .fossil-settings
+ echo yes
+ ls -ld experiment foo-dir foo-link .fossil-settings/allow-symlinks
-rw-r--r--  1 dmason  staff    4 Sep 11 10:11 .fossil-settings/allow-symlinks
-rwxr-xr-x  1 dmason  staff  593 Sep 11 10:11 experiment
drwxr-xr-x  3 dmason  staff  102 Sep 11 10:11 foo-dir
lrwxr-xr-x  1 dmason  staff    7 Sep 11 10:11 foo-link -> foo-dir
+ cat .fossil-settings/allow-symlinks
+ rm -f /Users/dmason/Fossils/foo.fossil
+ fossil new /Users/dmason/Fossils/foo.fossil
project-id: 14926592e2d77b4a33328b87abc9149b404d0660
server-id:  d771c5744b37b04889f4fac897c802366dbf7167
admin-user: dmason (initial password is "b95b00")
+ fossil open /Users/dmason/Fossils/foo.fossil
project-name: <unnamed>
repository:   /Users/dmason/Fossils/foo.fossil
local-root:   /Users/dmason/fs/foo/
config-db:    /Users/dmason/.fossil
project-code: 14926592e2d77b4a33328b87abc9149b404d0660
checkout:     b20418887533f98e6af0b7f763a46f74e4754e3d 2014-09-11 14:11:29 UTC
leaf:         open
tags:         trunk
comment:      initial empty check-in (user: dmason)
checkins:     1
+ fossil settings allow-symlinks yes
+ fossil add .fossil-settings
setting allow-symlinks has both versioned and non-versioned values:
using versioned value from file .fossil-settings/allow-symlinks (to
silence this warning, either create an empty file named
.fossil-settings/allow-symlinks.no-warn or delete the non-versioned
setting  with "fossil unset allow-symlinks")
ADDED  .fossil-settings/allow-symlinks
+ fossil ci -m settings
setting allow-symlinks has both versioned and non-versioned values:
using versioned value from file .fossil-settings/allow-symlinks (to
silence this warning, either create an empty file named
.fossil-settings/allow-symlinks.no-warn or delete the non-versioned
setting  with "fossil unset allow-symlinks")
New_Version: 8f913889590943e610cf58a8700c5d01ad4103d5
+ fossil unset allow-symlinks
setting allow-symlinks has both versioned and non-versioned values:
using versioned value from file .fossil-settings/allow-symlinks (to
silence this warning, either create an empty file named
.fossil-settings/allow-symlinks.no-warn or delete the non-versioned
setting  with "fossil unset allow-symlinks")
+ fossil add experiment foo-dir foo-link
ADDED  experiment
ADDED  foo-dir/foo-file
ADDED  foo-link
+ fossil ci -m test
New_Version: c492ec888d31e96a14109cff65310ac4a2a301e9
+ rm -rf ../foo-alt
+ mkdir ../foo-alt
+ cd ../foo-alt
+ fossil open /Users/dmason/Fossils/foo.fossil
project-name: <unnamed>
repository:   /Users/dmason/Fossils/foo.fossil
local-root:   /Users/dmason/fs/foo-alt/
config-db:    /Users/dmason/.fossil
project-code: 14926592e2d77b4a33328b87abc9149b404d0660
checkout:     c492ec888d31e96a14109cff65310ac4a2a301e9 2014-09-11 14:11:29 UTC
parent:       8f913889590943e610cf58a8700c5d01ad4103d5 2014-09-11 14:11:29 UTC
leaf:         open
tags:         trunk
comment:      test (user: dmason)
checkins:     3
+ ls -l
total 16
-rwxr-xr-x  1 dmason  staff  593 Sep 11 10:11 experiment
drwxr-xr-x  3 dmason  staff  102 Sep 11 10:11 foo-dir
-rw-r--r--  1 dmason  staff    7 Sep 11 10:11 foo-link
: Daves-MacBook-Retina-784 ;
#! /bin/sh
rm -rf foo* *~ .fossil* .fslckout $FOSSIL
set -x
fossil version
mkdir foo-dir
touch foo-dir/foo-file
ln -s foo-dir foo-link
mkdir .fossil-settings
echo yes >.fossil-settings/allow-symlinks
ls -ld * .fossil*/*
cat .fossil-settings/allow-symlinks
rm -f $FOSSIL
fossil new  $FOSSIL
fossil open  $FOSSIL
fossil settings allow-symlinks yes
fossil add .fossil-settings
fossil ci -m settings
#fossil settings allow-symlinks no
fossil unset allow-symlinks
fossil add *
fossil ci -m test
rm -rf ../foo-alt
mkdir ../foo-alt
cd ../foo-alt
fossil open $FOSSIL
ls -l
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