On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Ron W <ronw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You should not need to port s2 to Python, rather reference the s2
bindings to libfossil as an example.

Yeah, that is why I put `port` in quotes in my last response.  I probably
should have just stated what I actually meant instead.  :)

> I am considering doing a Perl binding to libfossil, probably using h2xs
to generate the "low level type mapping", then writing a thin layer of Perl
code to present a more Perl-ish interface as well as perform exception

Very cool.  I guess if nobody else speaks up, I may have to take a crack at
a Python binding to libfossil.  Like I mentioned, I want to see what I can
accomplish without doing that though, as perhaps I won't have to do a whole
lot in order to have a suitable solution for Fossil integration in Salt.

- joe
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