From the "F SET" command I see blanks for either:


Regarding mtime, I understand the batch file test maybe too fast for the time to change, but the problem was noticed on a file that was many hours away from the repo version.

-----Original Message----- From: Kees Nuyt
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 11:35 PM
Subject: Re: [fossil-users] Possible bug: Failure to acknowledge changesafter failing to overwrite write-protected file

[Default] On Wed, 12 Nov 2014 23:16:34 +0200, <>

(This was seen on a Windows 7 machine)

When opening a repo, if you select to overwrite all files, and a
file to be updated happens to be read-only (R attrib set), the
overwrite fails (it should) but if you then change the read-only
to read-write, and try to see changes or try to revert the failed
to update file with the repo version, nothing happens.  FOSSIL
somehow assumes that the checkout is in a correct state, even
though it failed to overwrite, and the repo and check-out have
different copies of the same file.

What are your settings for mtime-changes and repo-cksum ?

Regards, Cordialement, Groet,

Kees Nuyt

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