2014-11-27 8:17 GMT+01:00 Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com>:
> And if you (like me) only have a single fossil binary which _is_ that trunk
> copy, then you'll (like me) need to go download a binary to get you back up
> an running.
> One of these days i'll learn to keep a backup binary :/.

The same for me, except ......  My single fossil binary, which _is_ trunk
too is configured with --disable-internal-sqlite. Thanks to that I turned out
not to be affected ;-)

A related question: The $HOME/.fossil (or $HOME/_fossil on win32)
and <ckout-dir>/.fslckout (or <ckout-dir>/_FOSSIL_) files are sqlite
database files too. Could those become corrupt as well?

          Jan Nijtmans
fossil-users mailing list

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