Thus said "John P. Rouillard" on Fri, 05 Dec 2014 21:52:38 -0500:

> I am having  an issue trying to serve up  static files like index.html
> with fosssil in server mode. My command line is:
>    fossil server --files *.txt,*.html /home/rouilj/.fossil_repos

Maybe try quoting the argument following --files:

     fossil server --files '*.txt,*.html' /home/rouilj/.fossil_repos

>   http://server:8081/index.html

You're sure  that 8081 is  the fossil server  that was started  with the
correct --files option?

I  tried the  --files  option  here locally  and  it  worked just  fine,
however, it  only serves files  that can be matched  to a MIME  type via
file extension  (e.g. .txt, .jpg, .html,  etc.), and it only  works when
starting fossil server with a directory  as the file to serve (which you

Also, if any  portion of the filename matches '*fossil*'  it won't serve
them (the directory is not included,  so there should be no problem with
your .fossil_repos directory).

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