Thus said on Sun, 07 Dec 2014 19:55:46 +0200:

> I'm not  sure about the exact  characters that may be  causing this as
> each file  has different  ones. (What characters  would make  the file
> binary in fossil's eyes?)

Without actually looking  at the source code, I suspect  it treats ASCII
control characters (or other  non-printable characters) as an indication
that the file  is binary. I downloaded  your zip file and  looked at the
files  and discovered  that the  last few  bytes of  each file  has some
control characters (0x1a,  0x1d), null characters (0x00) and  one has an
extended ASCII character 0xe6.

$ od -x 9s08gw32.s8p | tail -3
0004400     3331    0a0d    3953    3330    3030    3030    4346    0a0d
0004420     1d1a    0000                                                

$ od -x 9s08rt8.s8p  | tail -3
0003020     3532    0d39    530a    3039    3033    3030    4630    0d43
0003040     1a0a    00e6                                                

> The real problem  is that once a  file is treated as binary  I can not
> `diff' it between versions.

Yes, that  would be problematic.  I wonder  if a better  heuristic could
be  implemented. If  some  percentage  of the  file  is ASCII  printable
characters maybe it could be treated as non-binary?

But  your question  as to  why  we don't  just rely  on the  binary-glob
setting is also a good one, one to which I don't know the answer.

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