On Tue, 10 Feb 2015 18:24:21 +0100, Jeff Rogers <dv...@diphi.com> wrote:

Hi all,

There aren't a lot of restrictions on where to name and locate repository files, but I was wondering what the common practices are.

On the repository naming, I used to call my repositories "projectname.fsl", but the auto-index mode of operation expects them to be called "projectname.fossil", so I've been doing that more lately.

As for where to put the repository, I typically have one folder "dev" where all my development work is rooted, then I have the fossil repositories in that folder and the open projects underneath that. However, that means that I have 2 entries in that folder for each project, the repository and the working dir - "projectname.fossil" and "projectname/". Do others handle this differently? I was considering putting all my fossil repositories in some common place and just having the project directories in my development area. That needs an additional path when cloning and opening, but otherwise should be transparent.

That is, my current process is:
$ cd ~/dev/
$ fossil clone http://whatever/projectname projectname.fossil
$ mkdir projectname
$ cd projectname
$ fossil open ../projectname.fossil

So what I'm thinking about is instead:
$ cd ~/dev/
$ fossil clone http://whatever/projectname ~/fossil_repos/projectname.fossil
$ mkdir projectname
$ cd projectname
$ fossil open ~/fossil_repos/projectname.fossil

Another method I was considering is keeping the repository within the project directory itself (i.e., clone and open in the same directory), but then I'm always wondering if I'm accidentally going to add the repository to itself with "fossil add *" or the like.

Any other thoughts?

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I just keep the database file within the project dir as an 'invisible' (dot) file (actually using a generic, rather than a project specific name -- e.g `.fsldb' or some such, just like .fslckout) and name the project dir like `project1-fsl' to indicate that it actually is under `fossil' control. at the same time I have always set a `fossil remote-url' which points to a `project1.fossil' database somewhere else to which I `autosync' on checkin and which serves as the safeguard against local disk crashes or accidental deletes or whatever.

so this follows the approach of `hg' or `git' in keeping the local repo db within the project dir. I find this is usually completely sufficient. (and keeping the repo within the project dir has been working just fine with fossil, too, for quite some time now: no danger of
adding the repo to itself ;-)).

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