Interesting thing, still the two demo repositoris repoA and repoB.
Both fired up with fossil ui repo[AB].fossil, then using the web frontend
to change password of the default user to "123". Then the repos will both
have different hashes for the passwords. Seems the password hashes get
somehow salted? Maybe thats why the password won't be accepted after
importing configuration.

beowulf@PowerWolf:~$ fossil config export user repoA.conf -R repoA.fossil
beowulf@PowerWolf:~$ fossil config export user repoB.conf -R repoB.fossil
beowulf@PowerWolf:~$ diff repoA.conf repoB.conf
< # repository "repoA.fossil"
< # on 2015-02-24 16:08:10
> # repository "repoB.fossil"
> # on 2015-02-24 16:08:20
< 1424794047 'user' pw '2705dca1c539e3295607276e8d5b3d391eb8ead1' cap 's'
info '' photo NULL
> 1424794068 'user' pw '64e3e49679e4115061517a284670e1b604f234c4' cap 's'
info '' photo NULL

Oliver Friedrich <> schrieb am Tue Feb 24
2015 at 16:57:12:

> Maybe I missed something, but the help states fossil import overwrites by
> default, doesn't it? Also there is nothing mentioned about that parameter
> in the import command.
> beowulf@PowerWolf:~$ fossil help config import
> Usage: fossil configuration METHOD ... ?OPTIONS?
> Where METHOD is one of: export import merge pull push reset.  All methods
> accept the -R or --repository option to specific a repository.
>    fossil configuration export AREA FILENAME
>         Write to FILENAME exported configuration information for AREA.
>         AREA can be one of:  all email project shun skin ticket user
>    fossil configuration import FILENAME
>         Read a configuration from FILENAME, overwriting the current
>         configuration.
>    fossil configuration merge FILENAME
>         Read a configuration from FILENAME and merge its values into
>         the current configuration.  Existing values take priority over
>         values read from FILENAME.
>    fossil configuration pull AREA ?URL?
>         Pull and install the configuration from a different server
>         identified by URL.  If no URL is specified, then the default
>         server is used. Use the --legacy option for the older protocol
>         (when talking to servers compiled prior to 2011-04-27.)  Use
>         the --overwrite flag to completely replace local settings with
>         content received from URL.
>    fossil configuration push AREA ?URL?
>         Push the local configuration into the remote server identified
>         by URL.  Admin privilege is required on the remote server for
>         this to work.  When the same record exists both locally and on
>         the remote end, the one that was most recently changed wins.
>         Use the --legacy flag when talking to holder servers.
>    fossil configuration reset AREA
>         Restore the configuration to the default.  AREA as above.
>    fossil configuration sync AREA ?URL?
>         Synchronize configuration changes in the local repository with
>         the remote repository at URL.
> Options:
>    -R|--repository FILE       Extract info from repository FILE
> See also: settings, unset
> beowulf@PowerWolf:~$ fossil version
> This is fossil version 1.30 [1df1b41c86] 2015-01-19 11:29:00 UTC
> Richard Hipp <> schrieb am Tue Feb 24 2015 at 16:51:40:
> On 2/24/15, Oliver Friedrich <> wrote:
>> > So, got some time into things, it seems to me, that the fossil config
>> > import command does not work properly.
>> >
>> > My Testcase:
>> > beowulf@PowerWolf:~$ fossil init repoA.fossil
>> > project-id: c3c22922a11b4a6536af4c2506369f3926ae1d1f
>> > server-id:  b7e6a9010387a9ea7d163c9f40c8a274192a9989
>> > admin-user: user (initial password is "c4f619")
>> > beowulf@PowerWolf:~$ fossil init repoB.fossil
>> > project-id: 712a2638f821ca4b07add87a6c973fdca91be6ef
>> > server-id:  d0edb779825b1a1ec11d35487e88e0b548d4ef20
>> > admin-user: user (initial password is "382604")
>> > beowulf@PowerWolf:~$ fossil config export user user.conf -R
>> repoA.fossil
>> > beowulf@PowerWolf:~$ fossil config import user.conf -R repoB.fossil
>> Do you need to use the --overwrite flag on the import?
>> > beowulf@PowerWolf:~$ fossil server -P 8090 .
>> >
>> > Login to repoA via http://localhost:8090/repoA with (user/c4f619)
>> works.
>> > Login to repoB via http://localhost:8090/repoB with (user/c4f619) does
>> not
>> > work.
>> >
>> > Hope this helps, fossil version is the same as on my NAS, it is the 1.30
>> > stable for linux binary.
>> >
>> > Regars,
>> >
>> > Oliver
>> >
>> > Oliver Friedrich <> schrieb am Tue Feb
>> 24
>> > 2015 at 07:26:33:
>> >
>> >> > Now    my   problem    is,   if    I   connect    to   a    repo
>>  via
>> >>> > http://my.dyn.dns:8080/myrepo I am  able to log in as userA.  But
>> if I
>> >>> > do a logout, and  try to log in as userB, it  always refuses the
>> logon
>> >>> > and claims that the password is wrong. Trying to log in as userA
>> again
>> >>> > works.
>> >>>
>> >>> Reading this, I made a mistake. It is not that logon on the same repo
>> >> does not work, but logon to another repo hostet by the same fossil
>> server
>> >> instance will deny my credentials, although all repos do share the same
>> >> user settings. (tested with config export and diff)
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> What is  meant by  ``connect to a  repo'' in this  context? Do  you
>> mean
>> >>> point your browser to that URL, or do you mean you change the
>> remote-url
>> >>> for a fossil clone?
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> Yes, i meant an connect via http, logon on the webpage of the
>> repository.
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>> > Can  anybody experience  anything like  that, or  explain to  me,
>> that
>> >>> > fossil server is not able to handle different users?
>> >>>
>> >>> Are you  running ``fossil  server /some/path'' as  root, or  just
>> normal
>> >>> user? Or some other invocation? What version of fossil on the server?
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> I run fossil server -P 8080 /some/path on my nas. This is done as root
>> >> (cause nothing else is possible there).
>> >>
>> >> NAS> fossil version
>> >> This is fossil version 1.30 [1df1b41c86] 2015-01-19 11:29:00 UTC
>> >>
>> >> This fossil is self compiled from the stable sources of 1.30.
>> >>
>> >> Thank you for your time and help.
>> >>
>> >
>> --
>> D. Richard Hipp
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