
I'm using Hugo static-site-generator (SSG) to build my site and keep
source files under Fossil.

The repo looks like:

 ---> config.toml
 ---> content (dir)
 ---> ... (dirs)
 --> public (dir)

where config.toml, content etc. are 'meta' data and the real static web
site is generate in 'public' directory.

Now, I'd like that whenever I commit changes on my local machine and
push them unto remote server, that the content of 'public' folder gets
copied/synced to the remote server to the specific directory so that the
site is automatically refreshed.

Any hint how to accomplish it with Fossil?

I've seen some posts about TH1 hooks, but not sure that's the right
thing to do it.

Users oF Git, of course, use Git's hooks in such scenario...


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