Hi Fossil Community,

I have a question regarding how to proceed with contributing a theme which
may have (embedded) dependencies that are not original works of the theme
author.  There is a long-standing tradition of building on the works of
others and it's not clear to me how that dovetails with Fossil's CLA.

For example, I'm working on a theme for which I am using Normalize.css[1]
to ensure I start off at a consistent point across browsers.  Normalize.css
is MIT licensed - at least I think so[2] - and is the baseline for many CSS

Obviously, Normalize.css is not my own work so I could not grant/share
copyright on behalf of the Normalize.css authors with Hwaci.  And my
inquiry is not just about a Normalize.css dependency, but it serves as a
good example.

I would appreciate any guidance you could provide.


[1]: https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/
[2]: https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/blob/master/LICENSE.md
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