Am 12.03.2015 um 18:25 schrieb Andy Bradford:
Thus said Tontyna on Thu, 12 Mar 2015 11:40:32 +0100:

1. Created a repo with Fossil 1.30

forgot to mention: added a file and committed

2. Switched to Fossil 1.27
3. clone/open worked without warning
     BTW: open produced a _FOSSIL_ but the local reposirory was empty,
     i.e no checked-out files at all

According  to David's  instructions[1], there  were files  added to  the
repository before it was made available for cloning to the students...

Does this still happen if you add files prior to cloning?

The repo I created with 1.30 contained one file but as I said: after open (seemingly successfully because I got no warnings) the local root
was empty besides the _FOSSIL_ database.

Don't know what `fossil rebuild` does with the repository (downgrading 1.30 to 1.27? How? What has `clone` done already?) but the parallel timeline definitely has something to do with the "initial commit" -- the clone contains 1 checkin, the above mentioned file (btw. Dave's 'default setup' files). Maybe when Fossil 1.27 sees the "1" it thinks: "Oh, that's a repo containing nothing but the initial empty commit which we abandoned in version 1.30 but I don't know nuthin about 1.30." and gets tangled up.

Because surprise! When I did the same with an EMPTY master repository or a master containing MORE THAN ONE commit -- no parallel timeline. Everything is working as expected.

Except of course autosync fails when committing: "Error: database schema is out-of-date on the server" -- I'm wondering why your students who apparently read Fossil's output (and did a `rebuild` accordingly) didn't notify you of that. Or did you turn off autosync?

Q: Is it worth investigating this issue? How could/should one make previous versions forward-compatible? Current and future versions could probably refuse to rebuild a repo with a newer schema...

To reproduce Dave's timeline I was happy to still get Fossil 1.27 from the download page, but --- I think Fossil < 1.30 should be removed from there or at least be tagged as "don't use it with newer repos".

- Tontyna
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