Thus said Richard Hipp on Sat, 14 Mar 2015 00:05:07 -0400:

> Am I  wrong to think  that clicking through  the changes in  a project
> (not  necessarily  from the  beginning,  but  from some  signification
> event,  say  the  most  recent  release)  in  chronological  order  is
> something that people might commonly want to do?

It's certainly something  I commonly want to do, and  sorely miss when I
have to use github. I use gitk to fill the voi d, but it too is lacking.
I prefer that the tools I use  help me reason effectively about the data
I'm looking at  and something like clicking through changes  helps me do
this for a series of checkins.

But I'm just  expressing my bias---I don't know what  other people might
commonly want to do. :-)

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