On 17/03/15 06:20, Warren Young wrote:
On Mar 16, 2015, at 11:15 AM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
The timeline graph is drawn using JS.  Without JS you do not get the
very nice timeline graph.  I don't see any reasonable way around that.
Hi, it’s the resident pro web app developer checking in again. :)

There are at least three ways to create the timeline without Javascript.

1. Build the timeline as a dynamic PNG on the server side, then serve the 
client a URL to that dynamic PNG.  This requires libpng or similar, some 
line-drawing API on top of that (e.g. libgd, SDL, etc.), and ideally a place to 
cache the generated PNG so it doesn’t have to be re-generated until a timeline 
update invalidates it.

We actually have code doing this, written before the next two options became 
widely available.  We’ll get around to rewriting it RSN.

2. Generate the timeline server-side as SVG, and serve it inline on the 
timeline page.  Of the mainstream browsers with significant market share, only 
IE8 doesn’t support SVG:


The only reason there’s still a significant chunk of IE8 out there is that 
that’s the last version of IE that will run on XP.  No developer should still 
be running an unsupported 13 year old OS on his desktop anyway.
There is  an SVG shiv for IE8 - maybe more than one.

Some people at large organisation still have support for XP (MS call it "custom support" or something similar and charge a LOT for it) and may not have a choice.

3. Generate the timeline via <canvas>.  Yes, technically this is one of those 
spiffy HTML5 features, but it’s actually about as well supported as SVG these days:


Only option 1 will work for Tim's favorite browser, Dillo, but…ugh.
The effort needed seems excessive to compared to Dillo's user base.
Fossil should not *require* any of the latest
HTML5 stuff.
A few years ago I would have agreed with you, but browsers have come a long way 
recently, what with all the new competition.

I’m all for supporting “ancient” browsers, as long as they still render 
standard HTML, CSS and JS code correctly.  Our own web app finally dropped 
Firefox 2 support recently, moving the low bar up to Firefox 3, because we 
found a case where 2 wasn’t doing the right thing with some perfectly 
reasonable code.  I don’t think it’s unreasonable to require a browser released 
6 years ago at minimum.

We have too many good browsers available these days to be continuing to bend 
over backwards with browser compatibility hacks.  You have to be able to draw 
some line in the sand, some minimum level of required features.

I think IE9 makes a pretty good target.  Although it’s only 4 years old now, it was 
about 3 years behind the rest of the mainstream browser world at the time, in terms 
of HTML, CSS & JS feature compatibility.  (Yes, about equal to Firefox 3, 
Safari 3, and Chrome 1.0!)  IE9 is the newest IE that still runs on the oldest 
supported version of Windows, Vista, which will be in “extended support” for 
another couple of years.

This does rule out XP support for sites unwilling to switch from IE, but I 
don’t think such people are Fossil’s target market anyway.

Incidentally, if you’re looking for ways to test with versions of IE you 
otherwise wouldn’t have access to, visit:


You wouldn’t know it from the URL, but it’s actually a Microsoft service, 
offering legitimate testing versions of Windows pre-loaded with specific 
versions of IE.  An especially nice feature is that it can generate images in 
any of several VM formats: VirtualBox, OVA (VMware), Hyper-V, Parallels…
It is very useful and as far as I am concerned the best thing MS has done for years.
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