On 3/19/15, Abilio Marques <abili...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After reading Mr. Hipp answer to some previous email about git saying:
> So the staging area is being used as a way of working around the fact
> that Git does not allow multiple independent check-outs against the
> same repository?  Am I understanding that correctly?
> I started to think: what does it mean to have "multiple independent
> check-outs"? And I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep well because of not
> knowing. So I created a new test repo, and began:
> mkdir test
> cd test
> fossil new test.fossil
> mkdir a b
> cd a
> fossil open ../test.fossil
> echo "file a" > a.txt
> cd ..
> cd b
> fossil open ../test.fossil
> echo "file b" > b.txt
> cd ..
> fossil status # replied not within an open checkout
> Then went to commit in each subdirectory... then did a status... both
> reflected the check-ins in the correct order... and the other directories
> weren't there. Actually going to a (the first commited one) and running
> fossil update trunk did:
> ADD b.txt
> REMOVE a.txt
> So far seems magic, as I don't seem to grasp the power, uses and
> implications for it. Is there any documentation? This is my first approach
> to what Mr. Hipp said. Am I mistaken?

You are doing it right.

There is no documentation because I could not conceive of wanting to
use a VCS in any other way.

Scenario:  You want to compare the performance of two different
versions of the project.  So you do two simultaneous checkouts, in
separate directories, and run speed tests on each.

Scenario:  You in the middle of a big change when a support request
from a customer comes in that requires you to work on a release from a
year ago.  No need to "stash" all the changes you are in the middle
of, just open the older version in a separate directory - make changes
there and branch it if necessary, then go back to what you were doing.

Scenario:  Do simultaneous builds with different compile-time options
for the same version of the code in three separate directories.

Scenario:  Work on four separate branches, all at the same time,
located in four separate directories.

Scenario:  Be editing code in a branch while simultaneously running a
bisect is on trunk.

And so forth....

D. Richard Hipp
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