i have the following running to serve a directory full of fossil archives:
    /usr/bin/fossil server --repolist --port 8181 /data/fossil

this appears to work perfectly when directly hitting the site:

i need this behind nginx so that is accessible via proxy. so i've added the 
following config to my nginx.conf:
    server {
      listen 80 ;
      server_name fossil.server.local ;
      location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8181/ ;
        proxy_set_header Host $host ;

this also appears to work properly. BUT the fossil repo needs to live under 
/fossil on the main site. so i've changed the nginx.conf to look like this:
    server {
      listen 80 ;
      server_name www.server.local ;
      location /fossil/ {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8181/ ;
        proxy_set_header Host $host ;

with this, the repolist works properly the links are relative so the browser 
gets directed to the fossil archive under /fossil/ ... 

however, each reference inside the rendered pages do not include /fossil/ so 
all links are broken and of course the theme does not show. for example, 
visiting this page:
produces the following link (among others):

so i change the fossil command line to this:
    /usr/bin/fossil server --repolist --port 8181 
--baseurl=http://www.server.local/fossil /data/fossil

this causes similar breakage, only the generated reference is now missing the 
project name and looks like this:

so ... is there a way to accomplish this without using cgi? am i on the right 
track? what am i missing?
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