I am working on a project with a colleague.  We're working from
different machines.

When I look at the timeline, it appears that at some point recently the
trunk "diverged."  In other words, what was once one stream of updates
(depicted visually with the boxes and lines) is now two lines, each line
with their own boxes.

It's almost like I have a branch, but when I do `fossil branches` I
don't see it there, and they are both tagged with "trunk"

On a recent `fossil update` I got a cryptic message that I don't
remember that alluded to this problem.  I Googled and I think I found a
solution by typing - don't quote me - `fossil update trunk`.

Sorry for not writing that down but I thought at the time it fixed the

How can I "merge" both of these "branches" back into one trunk?
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