Andy Goth wrote:
> My andygoth-versioned-open branch (just checked in) addresses this
> problem and seems to fix the symlink issue.  However, the Fossil coding
> style is rather alien to me, particularly the way it leaks memory on
> purpose, so the way I'm doing things may not be the best.  Please have a
> look, and feel free to ask questions and make suggestions and further
> changes. 

I've made some tweaks on the branch.  Here are the highlights:

1. By changing the return code checking for historical_version_of_file(),
   which apparently returns greater than zero on success.

2. Set noWarn based on the historical version of that file, if it exists.

3. Unrelated: Removed superfluous slash in the ".fossil-settings" path
   used by print_setting().

Joe Mistachkin

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