I didn't actually try it but from what it looks like, yes, almost, BUT

1. highlight the whole entry, not just the word *CURRENT*, and
2. it should also work without ANSI escape sequence under Windows console.

Also, the best 'color' would probably be just bold print to make it stand out from the rest.

-----Original Message----- From: Andy Bradford Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 5:20 PM To: Tony Papadimitriou Cc: Fossil SCM user's discussion Subject: Re: [fossil-users] Suggestion for command-line timeline display
Thus said "Tony Papadimitriou" on Thu, 01 Oct 2015 15:29:05 +0300:

I  was wondering  if the  same  idea could  be used  to highlight  the
*CURRENT* entry  in the  timeline (with some  soft color---a  shade of
blue or green would be nice).

You mean like this:

fossil time | sed -e 's/\*CURRENT\*/^[[0;32m&^[[0;m/'

Where ^[ is an escape character.

TAI64 timestamp: 40000000560d414a

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