On Fri, 30 Oct 2015 10:56:48 -0700
Scott Doctor <sc...@scottdoctor.com> wrote:

> That is my experience with all VCS systems. Even with fossil, I 
> am having trouble justifying why the hassle is worth the effort.

I'm honestly not flame-baiting but have you tried to come up with an
interface idea/sketch/set of paradigms that would considerably lower
the barrier for people to use DVC systems?

No, really, even those rare programmers who are able to reason about
the ways their software is used like "mere mortals" are skewed in their

I'm a programmer, and after having used a bunch of centralized and
distributed VC systems I've come to a temporary conclusion that the set
of problems [D]VC systems are trying to solve has certain irreducible
complexity, and hence these systems either throw it onto the heads of
the users (Git) or sweep it under the rug (Mercurial, Fossil).

So it would be really interesting to see some *constructive* discussion
of different approaches such systems should take when making their
users tackle that set of problems.
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