On Nov 2, 2015, at 4:31 PM, Jan Danielsson <jan.m.daniels...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   I don't know which is worse; not supporting symlinks at all on
> Windows, or telling people that they need to have administrator
> privileges on their system in order to check the code out

I agree, which is why the policy decision needs to be made at the repo level, 
not at the fossil-scm.org level.

If you don’t want the downsides your post mentions, don’t check symlinks into a 
repo that needs to be opened on Windows.

If you have a repo that needs to open on Windows and the administrator of that 
repo decides that it legitimately needs symlinks, Fossil should support that 
use case as best as it can.

Obviously there is a limit to the amount of heroism we should expect from 
Fossil and its developers.
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