On Nov 5, 2015, at 3:09 PM, sky5w...@gmail.com wrote:
> By the way, Notepad, Notepad++, Visual Studio, etc. have identical renderings 
> for these characters and consider the file ansi text.

Fossil isn’t looking for ANSI text, it’s looking for either UTF-8 or UTF-16.  
That means that anything over 127 will also likely result in the file being 
considered binary, unless the next character or three *happen* to encode a 
valid UTF-8 value.

I don’t know how Fossil decides to test using UTF-16 instead, and I don’t 
remember how the encoding rules go, but since UTF-16 isn’t a superset of ASCII, 
as ANSI and UTF-8 are, the chances of any random ANSI text file being 
considered valid UTF-16 are even smaller than with UTF-8.

It’s 2015: time to switch away from ASCII/ANSI text.  If space or C/ASCII 
compatibility matters, use UTF-8.  If WinNT API compatibility matters more, use 

> Has flag LOOK_INVALID: yes

That means the file is not valid UTF-8.  Converting it to UTF-8 may fix it.

Even on Windows, all decent text editors support UTF-8 these days.  (Those that 
don’t aren’t “decent.”  :) )
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