Noticing the recent Fossil commit to show real branch colors in the
branch list, I have been reminded of my suggestion [0] from September
2015 to change the `bg_to_fg()' function from src/timeline.c that
derives the timeline rail colors from the branch colors. The modified
version supports color values in shorthand hex triplet notation
(#HHH), ensures no invalid colors with any of the RGB components
beyond 0 and 255 are generated, and a reasonable default color (black
or white depending on the "white-foreground" skin setting) is returned
for all color values not in standard or shorthand hex triplet


The discussion ended with Rich Neswold submitting a patch to support
shorthand hex triplet color values, and me cross-posting basically the
same patch with the additional features mentioned above. I hope I have
not been offending, and have not violated the Fossil contributor or
coding style guidelines.

Is there any chance that my suggestion will be considered for
incorporation? Merging the `bg_to_fg()' function body from [1] into
src/timeline.c should do, but I could also submit a patch in a
different format if required, or a Fossil bundle (as a new
"pending-review" branch) with an additional step to remove my
philosophical comments and clear the implementation choices left in
the code. Of course I'm willing to submit a Contributor Agreement, if


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