On Feb 2, 2016, at 3:19 PM, Martin Vahi <martin.v...@softf1.com> wrote:
> Whether the Telegram sticks, I think that
> probably NOT, because it is not totally anonymous,
> not even totally private, depends only on one vendor
> and that vendor applies some censorship just to
> avoid being closed down by different governments,

Every other one of the items on that list I posted has at least one of these 
weaknesses.  The single biggest one is being proprietary.

Notice, for example, how many of the items on that list are from Google, one of 
the richest companies on the planet, yet it is somehow unable to provide a 
long-term reliable communications service.  (I left off Jabber/XMPP, and it 
looks like Hangouts is on the skids now, too!)

I’ll be the first to agree that Internet email is far from perfect, but it 
remains the Internet’s only fully-decentralized non-proprietary federated 
communications system.  

Anything wanting to replace email will have to cover all of those bases and 
then offer a significant feature increase before it can be expected to sweep 
aside 40 years of incumbency.

More likely, email’s replacement will replace it from within, in the same way 
and with approximately the same speed as IPv6 is replacing IPv4.
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