On 3/3/2016 7:19 AM, Andy Bradford wrote:
$ tclsh $SRC/test/tester.tcl $FOSSIL
***** amend ******
already within an open tree rooted at /tmp/fossil-test/
     while executing

My Ubuntu VM saw this exact message. I was running tester.tcl in a testing folder that is neither the build nor source tree.

And repeating it launched from a build tree:

$ tclsh ../work/test/tester.tcl ./fossil -quiet -verbose -prot
already within an open tree rooted at /home/ross/fossiltest/work

The same sequence run on Windows from MSYS bash ran the test suite to completion.

I don't have time to look into why at the moment, but I will try to look
at it later  if someone hasn't already. I am  most certainly not already
``within an open tree rooted at  /tmp/fossil-test/'' as can be seen from
the output above...

Knowing it is not just me fumbling on my VM, I'll try poke at it a little today. But I'm hoping that between Andy's and my reports of failure, that someone much more versed in the subtleties of cross-platform Tcl will spot the mistake.

Ross Berteig                               r...@cheshireeng.com
Cheshire Engineering Corp.           http://www.CheshireEng.com/
+1 626 303 1602
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