Hello everyone,
just found some typos:

fossil help close
        if there are unsaved changed
                changed => changes

fossil help all
        Mangages => Manages

fossil help cache
        it does not already exists
                exists => exist

fossil cache status
        TBD... => ??

fossil help configuration
        to specific a repository => to a specific repository ??

fossil help diff
        show the unsaved changed
                changed => changes

fossil help fts-config
        versious => various

fossil help import
        overwrite repository if already exist
                exist => exists

fossil help purge
        --dry-run         Make no chances. => ??

fossil help settings
                Check your platform behaviour is as required    => ??
                if the exact contents of the CA root is critical
                for your application.

fossil help sha1sum
        If an file => If a file

fossil help sqlite3
                contenxt => content
                Return a the

fossil help ticket
        the VALUE Is appended => the VALUE is appended

fossil help zip
        If the --name option is used, it argument
                it => its

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