I’m just getting up to speed with fossil myself, but my impression is that you 
will get the most mileage if you use raw HTML to format your wiki pages rather 
than mark down or the fossilwiki format, whatever that is.  I have also gotten 
some strange results using the WYSIWYG editor.  Myself I am probably going to 
start doing my wiki pages outside of the web editor altogether using a 3rd 
party HTML editor…and then save the files through normal version control and 
there is a way with fossil to have references to those through the wiki 
site..this is  nice because then the docs also sit in the normal src tree for 
reference there.

On Apr 23, 2016, at 4:06 PM, Marko Käning <sec001+fos...@posteo.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> is it possible to define code-blocks which
>  1) have extra vertical space for better separation
>     in paragraphs or stg like list items?
>  2) have perhaps even a frame around them?
> I guess this all could be achieved by some CSS magic,
> but I think it would be nice to have that as standard
> behaviour. 
> E.g. in "Review Board"’s or GitHub’s wiki syntax one
> can use three apostrophes
> ```
> to mark a code block (like this)
> ```
> which will then be rendered with more vertical space
> and in case of RB also with a box around it.
> Perhaps this is also possible in Fossil’s wiki, but
> my tries to get something similar using Fossil’s
> Markdown syntax weren’t successful up to now.

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