On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 1:37 AM, Joe Mistachkin <sql...@mistachkin.com>

> Scott Robison
> >
> > Glad to be able to get to something before everyone else for a change. :)
> >
> Yes, thank you very much.
> Also, I know it's not a lot of fun, but...
> It would be nice if some new tests covering these edge cases were added to
> the "utf.test" file.  The "generated section" in the file can be created by
> uncommenting the "createTestResults $tempPath 100" call.

I'm just about to commit and push a branch with a proposed new invalid_utf8
function. It will allow the "Modified UTF-8" NUL (C0 80) sequence, as well
as the CESU-8 & WTF-8 variants described in the same wikipedia article. I'm
including those because the current invalid_utf8 function allowed them.

My code isn't quite as efficient (profiler reports 5% diff). But I'm too
tired to work on it further tonight. Look for "invalid_utf8_table" branch.
You may very well see some optimization opportunities I haven't yet.

Scott Robison
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