On Jun 27, 2016, at 9:04 PM, Jonathan Otsuka <djg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> adding a mailing list feature isn’t too far fetched.
> Has this idea been brought up before?

drh has publicly stated that he would like to write his own email server.[1]

However, given Fossil’s nature, I think a web forum might be better.

While I’m generally in favor of mailing lists over web forums, I do think that 
having a web forum system built into Fossil could offer some unique advantages 
over Fossil + a 3rd party web forum which could overcome the disadvantages of 
web forums:

1. No exposure of email addresses, hence no email spam. :)

2. Forum spam can’t be forged, violators can be banned, and their unwanted 
posts removed.  (Subject to the same limitations on shunning as we have now, of 
course, so no one could make a “censorship!” cry stick.)

3. Posts would be Fossil versioned artifacts, with all the benefits that derive 
therefrom.  For just one example, everyone cloning the fossil-scm.org repo 
would also get a copy of the historical Fossil forum discussions.  Imagine 
being able to search the forums for help while offline.

4. Similarly, you could sync your Fossil repos, get on a plane, and answer 
forum posts in the air, then autosync them to the central repo when you get 
back online.

5. Many of the pieces needed to implement this already exist: tickets are 
nearly forum-like already, we have two perfectly suitable markup language 
processors, we have an RSS generator, we have a perfectly suitable DBMS, an FTS 
engine, etc.

6. Speaking of FTS, searching the fossil-scm.org forum archive would turn up 
fewer wristwatch and handbag results. :)

7. If Fossil forum posts worked more like wiki articles than tickets, you could 
edit your posts after posting them, with the history of the post available to 
prevent rewriting history.

8. Every now and then, someone will pop up on this list asking for some kind of 
email notification.  These people often refuse to be placated by the current 
alternative, RSS.  An automatically-generated sub-forum for each of these use 
cases might do the trick instead.  (Commit messages with inline diffs, ticket 
change notifications, etc.)

9. The world really needs someone to take a second bite at the apple that 
Discourse tried for.  That *can’t* be the best the open source community can 
come up with.

About the only one of these that you get with a built-in email server + mailing 
list manager in Fossil is that it would be a platform to address #8.  My sense 
is that drh’s wish to implement his own MTA would result in a separate piece of 
software, however, so you wouldn’t even get that benefit, except possibly 
through some kind of email gateway.

[1]: https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly/episodes/320
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