On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 2:39 PM, followait <follow...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> In such an scm with GUI, one can:
> 1.  diff / merge / rebase by draging one commit to another
> 2. more generally, everything can be done in the GUI, it can be intuitive
> enough, so that no doc is needed
> 3. by the easy usage and full functionality, it helps the programmer focus
> on his/her essential work

In the past, I have used TortoiseSVN and TortoiseHg on MS Windows. Assuming
you have a decent understanding of branching, that fairly intuitive in
either of those. Personally, I have always done merging from the command
line, so I can't tell you about how well these 2 handle merging.

I know of RapidSVN, which is a cross platform GUI SVN client. Tried it
once, years ago. Don't remember much about it.

Also, some IDEs, such as SlickEdit (which is available on both Linux and MS
Windows) have good support for integrating with command line VCSs. However,
merging is usually not supported in the IDE for command line clients.

Also, in the post-link phase of my (at work) team's software builds
(assuming a successful link), our makefiles do a commit then fetch the
commit ID (a separate fetch because we sometimes do commits as we edit, so
the "auto" commit might have nothing to do). The commit ID is then inserted
into the software header of the "load image" created in the final steps of
the post-link phase.

(By incorporating the commit ID into the software header, we are able to
always able to retrieve the exact sources for any given build with out
"polluting" the version number or worry about the filename being changed.)
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