A quick follow-up. A few folks asked if the Fossil plugin for Qt Creator
supports "Commit" action -- it does support commit.
I missed to list it in my original email, sorry for the confusion.
This is actually mentioned on the project page:

At a glance, the Tools>Fossil menu includes the following:

   - Annotate <Current File>
   - Diff <Current File>
   - Timeline <Current File>
   - Status <Current File>
   - --------
   - Add <Current File>
   - Delete <Current File>
   - Revert <Current File>
   - -------
   - Diff
   - Timeline
   - Revert
   - Status
   - -------
   - Pull
   - Push
   - Update
   - Commit
   - Settings
   - Create Repository

All of these actions result in resp. Fossil commands, with a bunch of
accompanying niceties thanks to QtCreator's VCS framework.
Branching and tagging is done on commit.
Fossil "Clone" is handled via New Project wizard -- that's how it's done in
Qt Creator.

So for the most part this should shield the developer from SCM command-line
interaction in routine project work.
However "Merge" and some other repo-maintenance tasks should be done from
command-line or Fossil UI.
>From personal experience, I feel that "Stash" should also be made available
in the plugin, but that's later.

Hope this clears it.

On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 2:10 PM, Artur Shepilko <nomadb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We finally got to release Fossil plugin for QtCreator:
> https://github.com/nomadbyte/qtcreator-plugin-fossil
> The Fossil plugin is free and open-source, of course. The README describes
> how to build it. The most recent QtCreator version we used it with is
> QtCreator-4.0.1, which is included in Qt 5.6.1-1 LTS (long-time support)
> release. Through its life, internally we used the plugin with previous
> versions of both QtCreator and Fossil client (the most recent was 1.35).
> Hope this would help further spread the use of Fossil SCM, which is hard
> to over-praise for its simplicity and versatility. Notably, thanks to
> Fossil core devs for advancing its features over the years -- we really
> appreciated this (first plugin release used fossil 1.26)
> For folks not familiar with QtCreator -- it's a multi-platform IDE for
> C/C++ development. Primarily it targets Qt-based projects, but it's also
> used with non-Qt projects and supports CMake-based projects. Support for
> several popular SCMs is already built-in, yet Fossil is not supported --
> with this plugin it is!
> Fossil plugin adds Fossil SCM as a choice for version control to use with
> projects (similar to git, bazaar etc.). It's implemented using QtCreator
> VCS framework which calls Fossil command-line interface. It supports
> create/clone project repo, add/delete/rename files, diff/annotate,
> status/timeline, revert/update/pull/push. Base set of operations, but it's
> sufficient in routine development, the rest can be done directly with
> fossil command.
> Enjoy!
> Artur
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