
I think I may have found a bug with fossil mv related to moving directories.

I am using fossil version 1.35 3aa86af6aa 2016-06-14 11:10:39 UTC.

I wanted to use fossil mv to move a directory tree.

The tree looks like this:

test/drivetest and I wanted to move it to test/disc/drivetest

If I use:

cd test
fossil mv drivetest disc/drivetest

if disc, drivetest or neither exist on my machine then the move doesn't work as 
I expected.

fossil reports:

RENAME test/drivetest test/disc/drivetest

then "fossil changes" lists nothing.

if both disc and drivetest exist then fossil reports RENAME for every file as I 
expected and fossil submit works as expected.

Is this by design or is it a bug?



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