On 10/12/2016 20:02, Will Parsons wrote:
> In one of my projects using Fossil, I wish to provide the software both as a
> zip file and a compressed tarball.  In fact, I thought I'd already done this
> and it was working by providing the following links:
> <a href="zip/projname.zip?uuid=trunk">Current trunk (zip file)</a>
> <a href="tar/projname.tar.gz?uuid=trunk">Current trunk (compressed tar 
> file)</a>
> On recently trying though, I found that although the zip one works, the tar
> one doesn't, getting "Page not found: tar".  Did I just image this used to
> work?  I'll have to admit, I can't see any fossil documentation on this, so
> I'd like some clarification.

Hi, there seems to be documentation here:


It works for me... (fossil 1.35)... which version of fossil are you using?


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