Thanks, good to know they're getting through.

No (successful) patches yet, haven't been able to get it to work. I've
tried getting technotes to show up alongside wiki results:

*    db_multi_exec(*
*      "WITH event(name,rid,mtime) AS ("*
*      "  SELECT substr(tagname,6), tagxref.rid, max(tagxref.mtime)"*
*      "    FROM tag, tagxref"*
*      "   WHERE tag.tagname GLOB 'event-*'"*
*      "     AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid"*
*      "   GROUP BY 1"*
*      ")"*
*      "INSERT INTO x(label,url,score,id,date,snip)"*
*      "  SELECT printf('Tech-note: %%s',name),"*
*      "         printf('/technote/%%s',urlencode(name)),"*
*      "         search_score(),"*
*      "         'w'||rid,"*
*      "         datetime(mtime),"*
*      "         search_snippet()"*
*      "    FROM event"*
*      "   WHERE search_match(title('w',rid,name),body('w',rid,name));"*
*    );*

But clearly I'm missing something. Does it make sense to just include
Technotes alongside Wiki results? Or should they be their own category?

I started by trying to combine them, mainly because I'm not a very good
programmer (most of my experience is with Python), and I was thinking this
would be the easiest way.


On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 8:39 PM, Richard Hipp <> wrote:

> On 1/24/17, Chris Rydalch <> wrote:
> > Is this a complicated issue? Haven't had any luck in this thread, or
> > another technote-related email I sent to the group.
> >
> > I'm not sure if the lack of responses is because the emails aren't
> actually
> > making it to the group, I was having issues with fossil-users list a
> while
> > back. Either way, it'd be good to know if the email is at least making it
> > to the list. Thanks! :)
> >
> Your emails are getting through.  But I've been busy with other
> things.  Do you have patches?
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> _______________________________________________
> fossil-users mailing list
--- search_orig.c	2017-01-24 20:44:48.211517209 -0500
+++ search.c	2017-01-24 20:58:36.911540140 -0500
@@ -739,6 +739,24 @@
       "    FROM wiki"
       "   WHERE search_match(title('w',rid,name),body('w',rid,name));"
+    db_multi_exec(
+      "WITH event(name,rid,mtime) AS ("
+      "  SELECT substr(tagname,6), tagxref.rid, max(tagxref.mtime)"
+      "    FROM tag, tagxref"
+      "   WHERE tag.tagname GLOB 'event-*'"
+      "     AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid"
+      "   GROUP BY 1"
+      ")"
+      "INSERT INTO x(label,url,score,id,date,snip)"
+      "  SELECT printf('Tech-note: %%s',name),"
+      "         printf('/technote/%%s',urlencode(name)),"
+      "         search_score(),"
+      "         'w'||rid,"
+      "         datetime(mtime),"
+      "         search_snippet()"
+      "    FROM event"
+      "   WHERE search_match(title('w',rid,name),body('w',rid,name));"
+    );
   if( (srchFlags & SRCH_CKIN)!=0 ){
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