I can issue this: "wget http://danraymond.org/fossil/mydan.fossil"; and get
the repository file "mydan.fossil"

if I issue: "fossil clone http://danraymond.org/fossil/mydan funny.fossil"

I get:
"server says: 404 Not Found
Clone done, sent: 268  received: 675  ip:
server returned an error - clone aborted

I can't seem to get a clone to work at all, always the 404 even though wget

I have tried  variations with the remoter serve login/password as: "fossil
clone http://login:passw...@danraymond.org/fossil/mydan funny.fossil" to no

On the host I can execute fossil server mydan.fossil and the web ui works
as expected and opens the remote repository file and I can make wiki etc.

Any clues would be appreciated as I would appreciate getting clone going


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