I noticed it's no longer possible to submit the form on top of the
timeline web view by hitting enter if one of the text input elements
("Max" or "Tag Filter") is focused in IE.

It seems that (all?) web browsers disable this logic for forms with
multiple text input elements lacking a "submit" element. The fix was
to add an "onchange" handler [0], but unfortunately this handler is
only triggered if the text input element lost focus, and not by
hitting enter in IE.

[0] http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/info/2929d5fced0909b5

Adding a hidden "submit" element would work, but might raise security
warnings in some web browsers. Conditional comments to make a hidden
"submit" element only visible for IE are no longer supported [1].

[1] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh801214.aspx

I would like to suggest adding a new "onkeyup" handler to the text
input elements on the timeline web view to submit the form if enter is

I'm sending a patch (as a Fossil bundle) directly to Mr. Hipp.

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