OK, so I don't think there's any interest in this beyond me :-(

On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 1:58 PM, Paul Hammant <p...@hammant.org> wrote:

> I don't really need Fossil to become an application server.  I just need
> it to handle CRUD over HTTPS on specific resources, and have configurable
> permissions for that.  Though TH1 scripts exist, I'd not use them, nor
> anything that purports to be JSP/ASP application scripting model. I'd not
> need them, if I've shifted my application code to JavaScript.
> Just like for CouchDB in a "backend as a service" configuration, *in-house non
> financially critical* *applications* are the type of apps that would fit
> well. CouchDB implements CORS
> <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS>
> which all the modern browsers are savvy with too, and that is a partial
> answer to XSS/CSRF concerns.
> Anyway - I'd want everything that CouchDB does in the BaaS
> <https://martinfowler.com/articles/serverless.html> model, but lose the
> query capability if I had to. I'd want to gain security features that CouchDB
> doesn't do by default <https://www.google.com/search?q=couchdb+ransomware> 
> ("AdminParty"
> and HTTP *off* by default, HTTPS *on* by default).  Why VCS - who
> wouldn't want to be able to checkout documents as a set, perform functions
> on them, and commit them back as a set, atomically?
> - Paul
> - Paul
> On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 4, 2017, at 11:24 AM, Paul Hammant <p...@hammant.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > > I have little need for such a thing myself, so I’m just throwing this
>> idea out
>> > > there for anyone who thinks it looks like a good itch to scratch.
>> >
>> > I do have a need for this class of use. My thread "Fossil as an app
>> server" (nearly a week ago on this list) is in the same direction.
>> Only in the vaguest sort of way.
>> My idea is just that you should be able to replace the fossil binary as a
>> client with a series of HTTP calls, which lets you replace
>> fossil-the-client without duplicating all of its internal functionality.
>> This idea of turning Fossil into a generic application server is off on a
>> completely wild tangent from that point.
>> While thinking about this sort of thing, consider the XSS problem just
>> brought up on the mailing list.  To me, “generic application server”
>> implies multiple independent — possibly mutually-untrusting — applications
>> running on a single platform.  So, you’d better solve the XSS problem first.
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