I get the following results for the new `fossil test-prompt-password'
command, run in the standard CMD.EXE console on Windows, typing
"INPUT[ENTER]" on the keyboard if possible:


> echo PASSWORD | fossil test-prompt-password PROMPT: 0

1. The default case.


> echo PASSWORD | fossil test-prompt-password PROMPT: 0 2>nul

2. No prompt, but ability to type, no * placeholders while typing. Not
sure if this is expected, but "nul" is considered to be a console(!),
so input is read from the keyboard, and not from the piped `echo'


> echo PASSWORD | fossil test-prompt-password PROMPT: 0 2>error.log
> type error.log

3. Prompt goes to redirected file instead of console (expected), no
possibility to type, but password from redirected standard input (the
piped `echo') is accepted (that is, "error.log" is not considered to
be a console, so `getc(stdin)' is used instead of `_getch()').


I agree that my examples are all quite stupid, and I can't think of
any serious harm to be caused like this.

But my point was that testing whether STDERR is a console handle does
not automatically imply that STDIN is also a console handle.

Moreover, _isatty() (UCRT 10.0.14393.0 in this case) yields different
results for the "2>nul" and "2>error.log" redirects, but neither is a
console. That's why I think _isatty() is not reliable, and
GetConsoleMode() should be preferred.

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