I agree that choices made in the design of Kicad are unhelpful in this regard 
but the format is unlikely to change anytime soon. There is a good reason for 
one of the issues - components need annotation to generate a net list and it is 
acceptable to change the annotation between iterations. There is some book 
keeping between schematic circuit diagram and the pcb layout which are two 
separate files and programs. There are also some changes made when libraries 
are added but this is managed elsewhere by caching component library changes.  
Anyhow, the details of exactly what the exact issues are and why these design 
choices have been made is not what is really important - it is the principle of 
how to cope with the consequences that concerns me. 

There is a recognised git solution. I want to try to find an alternative way 
with fossil if at all possible. Yeah, I know it's a bit of a kludge and if I 
had any choice in the matter, I wouldn't be starting from where I am but is 
there a mechanism by which I can do this? Sure, I have investigated whether 
this is likely to change in Kicad and I think the answer, whilst there is a 
workable solution in git, is going to be no. 

But I really don't want to be forced into using git simply on this issue - I 
very much like fossil and it has many more advantages for my workflow. 

In fact, all I need is the 'clean' functionality. In git it is achieved by 
defining a filter for a particular file type (in my case a .sch) and then a 
filter entry for 
git.clean "sed -E 's/#(PWR|FLG)[0-9]+/#\1?/'"

John Pateman

Sent from my iPhone

> On 11 Jun 2017, at 18:47, Ron W <ronw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 11, 2017 at 8:00 AM, <fossil-users-requ...@lists.fossil-scm.org> 
>> wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2017 11:34:48 +0100
>> From: John Pateman <jpate...@gmail.com>
>> Subject: [fossil-users] Smudge and clean equivalents?
>> Is there any way to implement functionality equivalent to git smudge and 
>> clean in fossil?
>> I would like to use fossil for a number of Kicad electronic projects. Kicad 
>> uses simple text files for describing the schematic and circuit layout so is 
>> a very suitable candidate for version control. Several users have used git 
>> to facilitate this but I would like to use fossil. Due to some internal book 
>> keeping there are changes made to the first line of the file which records a 
>> date stamp when the file is opened even if nothing else changes.
> This sounds like a Kicad problem, not a VCS problem.
> The Kicad devs may a very good reason - to them - for saving such internal 
> bookkeeping back to the file, but they should also provide a way to disable 
> saving those bookkeeping-only changes.
> Even without a VCS, people edit older versions of documents. Therefore, this 
> bookkeeping data can't be operationally critical to Kicad itself. And any 
> workflow where such bookkeeping-only changes are important would likely want 
> the VCS to track those changes.
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