First off, I'm sorry I've been so incredibly busy with work and business travel, no time for Fossil development or even reading the mailing list. The only issues I've been able to dink on lately are those that were stopping me from getting my work done. I'm trying to change jobs so I might have a shot at working fewer than one hundred hours a week (no joke). I have, however, been continuing to add to my Fossil TODO list, taking notes of bugs and features I'd like to look at someday. If I ever get some free time, I have a lot planned.

With that out of the way, onward to the subject of this email. Here's a short Tcl script I wrote the other day to put a table of contents in a Markdown document.

Here's example output:

To use, put <!--TOC--> and <!--END--> lines in your Markdown file, then run toc.tcl with your filename as an argument. By design, it only works with #- and ##-style headings, not underlines. If the file already contains a table of contents, it will be replaced.

Rerun the script after adding, removing, or renaming any first- or second-level headings.
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