On 9/28/17, David Mason <dma...@ryerson.ca> wrote:
> I need to create fossils on the fly [using CGI]

Fossil does not (currently) have that capability.

What you are really asking for is a "meta-fossil" that is a
server-side program that manages multiple fossil repositories.

The closest thing we have to that right now is that in your CGI
script, you can use the "directory:" keyword in place of "repository:"
to specify a directory that contains multiple "*.fossil" files, and
then Fossil will give you a list of the files to choose from.  But
with that mechanism, there is no opportunity to customize the look &
feel of the screen, nor authenticate the user, nor do any of the other
kinds of things that a true meta-fossil would need to do.

Perhaps a full-up "meta-fossil" capability should be a feature request.

See also:  http://chiselapp.com/
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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