Hello All,

I'm new to Fossil, but as a heavy Emacs user the first thing I tried to do was to use Fossil from within Emacs.  I found the 'vc-fossil' package on MELPA, but when I installed it I found it didn't work -- further investigation led me to the following repository:-


where I could see that the vc-fossil backend had not been updated for Emacs 25.  So I created a ticket with a patch (then appended a better patch that maintained backward compatibility).  I then realized that the MELPA build recipe wasn't actually pointing to this repository, but to a Git clone of it in the emacsorphanage on github, so thinking it wasn't maintained any more I cloned that repository too, applied my patch, and issued a pull request.

So now I'm wondering, is this project actively maintained anymore?  If so then I think we need to mirror it as a Git repository (because it seems MELPA does not support Fossil anymore), and then point MELPA to it.

Also, I have a clone on chiselapp.com that includes my patch and adds support for renamed files.  It's marked as private but can still be browsed-to directly at:-


where my additions are in the 'pdo' branch.

Paul Onions

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