On 10/18/17 09:46, Warren Young wrote:
On Oct 18, 2017, at 8:27 AM, Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
On Oct 18, 2017, at 7:04 AM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
I'll have to add a "/fossil.js” resource

While you’re about it, I’d suggest shipping /fossil-$hash.js instead
and setting a multi-year Expires header for the file so that it only
has to be pulled once and cached “forever”.

$hash is the current Fossil checkin prefix, the same one reported by
“fossil ver”.  Thus, whenever Fossil changes, the file name changes,
so the browser will pull the fossil.js file again.

+1 to this idea.

Ditto style.css, though the ability to change the CSS via Fossil UI
complicates this.  Currently, that gets pulled on every page load,
even though it almost never changes.

+0.98 to this idea.  I'll contribute the remaining two cents by
suggesting style-$hash2.css where $hash2 is a hash (or prefix thereof)
of the contents of style.css, possibly combined with the Fossil checkin

Andy Goth | <andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com>
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