Nice long expanation. Thanks.

On 2017-12-11 22:55, Warren Young wrote:
notepad.exe and Internet Explorer also obey the 8-character tab standard.  Go 
tell Microsoft it is wrong, too.

I'm not sure how many people use notepad.exe to edit source code or to write software from scratch, though, or Microsoft Internet Explorer for that matter. :)

For Windows, I reckon it's going to be either Notepad++, Visual Studio, Android Studio, Qt, Code Blocks, or or or...

I haven't seen or worked with any development environment or source code editor within the past quarter of a century that didn't let you change the tab size with more than a few mouse clicks. The standard for almost all of them right now and out of the box is 4.

I'm sure it was 8 when punch cards were state of the art. I agree with you.

It is: Fossil lets you modify the skin to suit your taste.

I tried. I failed. It seems it requires more than just a one-liner to change it in Fossil. Unless there's something I overlooked.

I've used some PHP highlighting scripts in the past to insert code fragments into web pages that let you configure the tab size very easily.

I found this for github:

That link uses this example:

The parameter ts=<size> seems to do the trick.

The last one doesn't work, so 8 is obviously the maximum.

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