On 12/28/17, jungle Boogie <jungleboog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I cannot clone a fossil repo running on a reaspberry pi.
> --fossil-debug was originally used but since then, multiple fossil
> binaries have been built with it disabled.

Sounds to me like you are still running the older binary that was
built using --fossil-debug.  Are you 100% certain that you have
installed the new one?  Have you rebooted the machine to make sure you
killed off the old one?

>>fossil clone cpp_projects.f
> Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
> server replies with HTML instead of fossil sync protocol:
> cfile bc64ba9aec57c8dc726c7d920b317f2a06080276030b7b2a31339ee822261b0c 161
> 148
> Round-trips: 2   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 11
> server replies with HTML instead of fossil sync protocol:
> config /reportfmt 579
> 2440587.5
> Round-trips: 2   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 14
> Clone done, sent: 513  received: 3344  ip:
> This is fossil version 2.5 [1fae64de38] 2017-12-28 17:20:14 UTC
> for the pi and the windows computer.
> fossil 2.4 was downloaded from fossil-scm.org
> fossil 2.4 was used to clone trunk
> fossil from trunk was compiled --with-openssl=none
> In the /setup_ulist page, I do see this:
> sort w/o index in [SELECT uid, login, cap, info,
> date(mtime,'unixepoch'), lower(login) AS sortkey, CASE WHEN info LIKE
> '%expires 20%' THEN substr(info,instr(lower(info),'expires')+8,10) END
> AS exp,atime FROM user LEFT JOIN lastAccess ON login=uname WHERE login
> NOT IN ('anonymous','nobody','developer','reader') ORDER BY sortkey]
> The repo has been rebuilt with the fossil binary disabled for
> debugging, but this is still present.
> Any pointers are appreciated.
> --
> -------
> inum: 883510009027723
> sip: jungleboo...@sip2sip.info
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