On Mon, 5 Mar 2018 16:04:35 -0800
Scott Doctor <sc...@scottdoctor.com> wrote:

> This is the first time I am using nginx so I am learning this as 
> I go.
> A couple of questions. Under your 1.1 the [service] section,
> what do I use for THE_USER_YOU_WANT since the access will be 
> from the internet?

Well, I am not very good in security. I am using my own username, simply 
it makes the file ownership to me and this way I can copy/edit/delete them 
easily. :D

I am sure some more advanced Linux user will make it other way. I am not a good 
of linux admin.

> The default location for web pages isĀ  /var/www/html/
> is this what I should use for DOCUMENT_ROOT?

Yes, if your web site is located there. My own site is located in 
/home/www/[virtual hosts]
but, see above. 

> I assume from the ExecStart I should place the fossil executable 
> in /usr/bin,
> correct?

Yes, or change the path in the .service file if you prefer to install it 
somewhere else.

> If I reboot the server, is it necessary for me to login and
> manually start by your 1.2 Execute commands?

No. Once you execute "sudo systemctl enable fossil", systemd will start this 
service on every reboot.

You can manually control the service by "sudo systemctl 
[start|stop|restart|status] SERVICENAME"

> I assume the config file you refer in your 1.2 is the 
> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
> Correct?
> the file has three declared server sections, each follows each.
> Do these catenate? or does each one have a specific use?
> simply, which one am I supposed to insert the location stuff?

In the section "server{}". If you have several "server{}" sections, it means you
have several virtual hosts (subdomains). Then insert it in the "server" section 
the subdomain you want to have fossil directory.

There are many variants of the nginx config files. For example I have one main 
/etc/nginx/nginx.conf file and
several include files (one for every subdomain) in /etc/nginx/websites/ 
subdirectory. The include files contain
only settings for the separate subdomain servers, so, my fossil "location" 
section is in one of these.

In your case it can be different. What is the best config pattern? I don't know 

> Scott Doctor sc...@scottdoctor.com -------------------------

John Found <johnfo...@asm32.info>
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