On 7/22/18, Florian Balmer <florian.bal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The Windows HTTP server (and thus `fossil ui') works by spawning
> sub-processes for each individual HTTP request, right? This results in
> multiple sub-processes per web page (one for the HTML page, one for
> CSS, another one for JavaScript, etc.)?

Every Fossil webpage is generated by a separate subprocess.  This is
true for Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD, whatever.  And it is true
regardless of how Fossil is launched.

The backoffice is a facility to do background processing - things like
sending email notifications, syncing with peers, maybe doing
aggressive compaction of the repository - anything that is not
directly interacting with the user.  Backoffice runs after a webpage
is generated, in the same subprocess.  Once the entire webpage has
been generated, Fossil closes the socket or file into which the
webpage is being written, and then attempts to do backoffice
processing.  There can only be one backoffice process at a time, and
another backoffice that is "on deck" - ready to run when the current
one finishes.

In most systems, the webserver returns results back to the user as
soon as the output socket closes.  So the user does not realize that
the process that generated the webpage continues running for up to 60
seconds of backoffice work.  But on Windows for "fossil ui" and
"fossil server", the webpage is not returned to the user until the
subprocess actually terminates.  Hence, if the subprocess gets
involves in backoffice work, that can delay the return of content to
the user.

The only comes up on Windows.  I do not yet have a good work-around.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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