2009/2/18 basedrop <based...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I'm not sure if this is the place to pose this question,  if not could you
> respond with the proper place.
>  I'm building out a social networking site centered around an "art" and
> "arthistory" theme.  I would like to display a real time dynamic version of
> the arthistory section of the wikipedia at my domain.

Possible, but unlikely to happen, I'm afraid. There is little to be
gained for us compared to you just sending people to the main site.

>I would like for my
> users to be able to edit this section at my domain.

I don't think that's possible - at best all the edits would be from a
single account, and we don't really like group accounts.

>   My domain is
> arthistory.com.   I am hoping to be able to provide a lot of acedemic and
> specialty users to this section via my site.   I think we could both benefit
> from this relationship.  My users have direct access to the arthistory
> section of wikipedia,  the wikipedia gets access to my users who are experts
> in the field.

We would very much like to encourage your users to edit Wikipedia, but
it really would be much easier for us if they just came to our site.
Is there some reason why they particularly need to be doing it from
your site?

>    I understand you can get a feed of the wikipedia, and also
> a database dump,  but I'm looking for a more real time and dynamic
> connection  (without just putting the wikipedia in an iframe.)

I don't know of anything like that being done before. If it's just one
section of the site you could probably mirror it pretty well by
crawling it once a day or so - we don't like people crawling the whole
site, but one section shouldn't be a problem. If you want it
completely up-to-date then you need to access the Wikipedia servers
for each request, so you might as well just be on wikipedia.org

>   I'd also
> prefer if I could use openID or some way of repurposing my user's
> registration to duel register with my site and with wikipedia, and create a
> login session for both simultaneously.

I'm sorry, we don't use openID on Wikipedia. It has been suggested,
and it's possible we will in the future, but we don't right now.

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